How to Stand Up to POTS

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is more than just being dizzy from getting up too fast! Though often dismissed, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a serious condition affecting blood flow.
Are you ready to start your personalized program? Yes, I am!
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is more than just being dizzy from getting up too fast! Though often dismissed, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a serious condition affecting blood flow.
Everyone agrees that inflammation is a major contributor for people struggling with fibromyalgia. But we can’t stop there. Simply blocking inflammation, or blocking the pain felt by inflammation, is not enough. Even with the use of natural remedies!
The world around us is full of bacteria, viruses, and mold. We often think about illness, or even the good and bad bacteria in our gut. But the often overlooked, yet most complicated micro-organism, is mold. Let’s explore the historical challenges of mold and the toxic effects it has on us.
Have you ever lost yourself in a moment of laughter? Or experienced a gut feeling about a certain situation? These events are a common part of our human experience. They are easy to take for granted. However, these seemingly insignificant moments can play an important role in our health. Our digestive health and level of happiness greatly impact our healing process. Let’s explore how our brain communicates with our immune system to boost immunity.
Our teeth and gums are an integral part of our health. This is so much the case that by looking at the current state of your teeth and your dental history, a well-trained practitioner can glean a very good idea of what you’ve likely been through and for what conditions you might be at risk. This inspired us to share these six proven steps to take a bite out of chronic illness.
Personal protection against environmental stressors is important for optimal health. An single stressor might be easily managed by the body, but the accumulation of multiple stressors can become overwhelming. Don’t underestimate the power of unburdening your body of daily exposure to common toxins.
Understanding the limbic system’s role in your health is pivotal to identifying whether or not you have a limbic system impairment. Knowing if a limbic system impairment is hijacking your health empowers you to put an end to suffering and usher in better health outcomes.
Could the strongest substance in your body have the strongest connection to your whole-body health? Patients and health practitioners alike often overlook the dental connection to healing from chronic illness. Microbes in your mouth make just as much of an impact on your health as anywhere else in the body.
Balancing your pH is a major factor in maintaining good health and healing from chronic illness. From the perspective of biological medicine, pH is the most significant factor in addressing the biological terrain. If overlooked and not properly addressed, it may be holding you back.
Spending time in nature can significantly boost our immune system. Plants and trees produce compounds called phytoncides, which are a product of their immune system used to fight off insects and rot. We can breathe these compounds in and charge up our own immunity, but the benefits don’t stop there…
Treatment for Lyme disease should not simply focus on killing a bug. Lyme disease is far beyond a single infection and is, in fact, polymicrobial. Studies confirm that there are many microbes involved and not just one to blame. Acidic environments allow these bacteria to shift, via pleomorphism, into more virulent microbes.
We know that the human body is composed of ions, minerals, and water and is a strong conductor of electrical energy. This also makes the body an effective “antenna,” able to absorb strong fields from surrounding environmental factors such as power lines and Wi-Fi. How safe is this exposure for our nervous system, cellular dna strands and hormonal balance?
There are plenty of reasons NOT to exercise. Too tired. Not enough time. I don’t like to sweat. I don’t like exercising. I’m not sure what works. I don’t know how to do it. I’m not healthy enough to exercise. What if I told you that you could get in shape and stay in shape […]
Quarantine, social distance, lock down, and shelter in place all make sense from a cold, logical sense. But all of these roads lead to isolation. Social isolation and distancing, though helpful in “flattening the curve” of viral spread, also flatten the human experience. We are at risk of losing one of the strongest influences we can wield for reclaiming our health.
In an age of viral pandemics, wisdom and understanding are our best allies in keeping a level head in the face of widespread hysteria. Ancient wisdom and modern research can be used to help human existence avoid and reduce the suffering from viral infections. Knowing how viruses operate, we can use targeted nutrients to support our bodies through each of their mechanisms.
How we encounter acute and chronic illness is not just encoded in our genes, but manifested by our constitutions as well. In fact, much of our inability to heal from the acute and chronic, have a connection to our constitution. Without addressing each constitution, it becomes more difficult to be fully released from the grip of disease and dis-ease.
For those having trouble with controlling or living with their empathic nature, this phenomena is real and science is beginning to back that up! So what can you do to address this issue?
A poor functioning Lymphatic system negatively affects your Bio-terrain, as well as our always-adapting gut microbiome. The Bio-Restorative Method (TM) used at the Institute for Restorative Health helps us locate your slow, sticky lymph and activate the pump of freely-moving fluid. Many people ask what they can do about their slowed and stressed lymph, realizing they have issues in this area. Here are five ways to increase this fluid movement in your own body while you sit.
Neurotoxins are a clear and present threat to healing from Lyme disease. But this threat doesn’t stop at Lyme. Neurotoxic load is also an issue with chronic pain syndromes, Fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, gastrointestinal imbalances (e.g. SIBO, IBS), neurodegenerative conditions, and chronic fatigue.
Rarely do we think of Thanksgiving as a holiday that will help us reach our health goals. In fact, if you are like me, you might stress out around the holidays and pack on a few extra pounds. However, it has been proven that the act of gratitude has positive effects on not only physical, […]
Physicians and Ph.D. researchers struggle with the term Chronic Lyme Disease due to the fact that certain antibodies are often missing during initial testing of the patient. When specific antibodies of the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi are not present, Chronic Lyme Disease may not be properly diagnosed, often times leading to a missed diagnosis and thus, improper treatment.
Protein has secured a spot in the health and wellness field as a powerhouse for health and vitality. Diets have been popularized and books have been written because of its benefits. It is the prized nutrient of those looking to build muscle, whether they are fitness fanatics or emaciated by severe conditions. But, when it […]
Recently, scientists have discovered a “new” organ called the interstitium, which is part of the fascial network. While it is a major component to our structural integrity, fascia influences so much more! Conditions ranging from a stiff neck to fibromyalgia, cellulite to chronic fatigue, or IT band syndrome to IBS can be associated with fascial restrictions.
Freedom from chronic illness can be found when we understand this reality: Our genes do not determine our life, we do. We now know that our genes do not determine our health. At most, our genes account for 10% of our health outcome.
Healing is NOT a crisis. A crisis implies difficulty, trouble, or danger. Healing is the natural process of making the body healthy again. The only good that can come from a Herxheimer reaction is to heed it as a warning that treatment is headed in the wrong direction.
Do you find yourself suffering from increased headaches, neurological symptoms, muscular aches and pains, as well as parasite symptoms during a full moon? Do you experience the all too common, heightened menstrual pain and flu-like feeling when your period happens to coincide with a full moon? If so, keep reading for an explanation behind these weird full moon symptoms.
Of the microbial soup inside the chronically ill person, the medical world previously thought one microbe caused it all when it came to Lyme Disease. This study now shows that you are more likely to have more than two microbes present and that all present microbes are equally represented in the system. This astonishing result shows that the perfectly designed human body is working hard at creating balance out of chaos.
Food has the ability to give directions to our body. The food we eat directly connects to our DNA with the unique ability to turn vital genes on or off. Where our food comes from, how it’s prepared, and with whom we share it are just a few factors in the quantum message that food has for our mind, body, and spirit.
Eating the right food is the best possible foundation for pursuing optimal health. Supporting our mitochondria is one of the best ways to address chronic illness. The combination of these two concepts creates an ideal, multi-faceted approach toward healing. Our mitochondria play a vital role in producing the very energy we need to live and […]
Fatigue is such a common symptom among those struggling with chronic illness. It stems from a multitude of issues in the matrix of life. Chronic fatigue affects three main areas: pain, drain, and brain. These areas manifest themselves as body pain, muscle pain, fatigue, inability to heal, brain fog, headache, and most neurological issues. Although […]
Before I get into any dietary recommendations, I want to make it clear that I am not a proponent for “one diet to rule them all.” Nor do I find much use for extremism in diets. I don’t even like the word “diet.” Too many “experts,” and far too much hearsay, have completely ruined that […]
Many of you have been on protocol, after protocol, after protocol. You have probably taken more supplements than food on some days too. How many times have you tried a homeopathic remedy that “lined up perfectly with your symptoms” or an herbal remedy that “has worked for everyone with your condition” only to find no […]
If you’ve watched the news or read anything about healthcare in the last decade, you know that we currently have an extremely controversial healthcare system in our country. There is plenty of debate over whether or not the system makes healthcare available to the masses. But if we strip away the politics and simply look […]
Suffering with chronic pain, fatigue, or debility, well…stinks! Our brains are wired to escape pain and seek pleasure. In this pursuit, we can overlook (and undervalue) the tried and true. As much as we appreciate and utilize the latest technology at the Institute for Restorative Health, we continue to value the therapeutic workhorses of old. We consistently recommend therapies (at home and in the clinic) that give the most benefit for the time and resources invested. Castor oil packs provide a great return on the time invested while remaining quite cost effective!