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How we encounter acute and chronic illness is not just encoded in our genes, but manifested by our constitutions as well. In fact, much of our inability to heal from the acute and chronic, have a connection to our constitution. Without addressing each constitution, it becomes more difficult to be fully released from the grip of disease and dis-ease.
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Neurotoxins are a clear and present threat to healing from Lyme disease. But this threat doesn’t stop at Lyme. Neurotoxic load is also an issue with chronic pain syndromes, Fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, gastrointestinal imbalances (e.g. SIBO, IBS), neurodegenerative conditions, and chronic fatigue.
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Protein has secured a spot in the health and wellness field as a powerhouse for health and vitality. Diets have been popularized and books have been written because of its benefits. It is the prized nutrient of those looking to build muscle, whether they are fitness fanatics or emaciated by severe conditions. But, when it […]
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Recently, scientists have discovered a “new” organ called the interstitium, which is part of the fascial network. While it is a major component to our structural integrity, fascia influences so much more! Conditions ranging from a stiff neck to fibromyalgia, cellulite to chronic fatigue, or IT band syndrome to IBS can be associated with fascial restrictions.
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Freedom from chronic illness can be found when we understand this reality: Our genes do not determine our life, we do. We now know that our genes do not determine our health. At most, our genes account for 10% of our health outcome.
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Healing is NOT a crisis. A crisis implies difficulty, trouble, or danger. Healing is the natural process of making the body healthy again. The only good that can come from a Herxheimer reaction is to heed it as a warning that treatment is headed in the wrong direction.
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Food has the ability to give directions to our body. The food we eat directly connects to our DNA with the unique ability to turn vital genes on or off. Where our food comes from, how it’s prepared, and with whom we share it are just a few factors in the quantum message that food has for our mind, body, and spirit.
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Eating the right food is the best possible foundation for pursuing optimal health. Supporting our mitochondria is one of the best ways to address chronic illness. The combination of these two concepts creates an ideal, multi-faceted approach toward healing. Our mitochondria play a vital role in producing the very energy we need to live and […]
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Fatigue is such a common symptom among those struggling with chronic illness. It stems from a multitude of issues in the matrix of life. Chronic fatigue affects three main areas: pain, drain, and brain. These areas manifest themselves as body pain, muscle pain, fatigue, inability to heal, brain fog, headache, and most neurological issues. Although […]
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Before I get into any dietary recommendations, I want to make it clear that I am not a proponent for “one diet to rule them all.” Nor do I find much use for extremism in diets. I don’t even like the word “diet.” Too many “experts,” and far too much hearsay, have completely ruined that […]
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