How to Stand Up to POTS

How to Stand Up to POTS

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is more than just being dizzy from getting up too fast! Though often dismissed, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a serious condition affecting blood flow.

Why You Should Use This Time-tested Therapy for Healing

Why You Should Use This Time-tested Therapy for Healing

Suffering with chronic pain, fatigue, or debility, well…stinks! Our brains are wired to escape pain and seek pleasure. In this pursuit, we can overlook (and undervalue) the tried and true. As much as we appreciate and utilize the latest technology at the Institute for Restorative Health, we continue to value the therapeutic workhorses of old. We consistently recommend therapies (at home and in the clinic) that give the most benefit for the time and resources invested. Castor oil packs provide a great return on the time invested while remaining quite cost effective!

6 Proven Steps to Take a Bite Out of Chronic Illness

6 Proven Steps to Take a Bite Out of Chronic Illness

Our teeth and gums are an integral part of our health. This is so much the case that by looking at the current state of your teeth and your dental history, a well-trained practitioner can glean a very good idea of what you’ve likely been through and for what conditions you might be at risk. This inspired us to share these six proven steps to take a bite out of chronic illness.

What is the Dental Connection to Healing from Chronic Illness?

What is the Dental Connection to Healing from Chronic Illness?

Could the strongest substance in your body have the strongest connection to your whole-body health? Patients and health practitioners alike often overlook the dental connection to healing from chronic illness. Microbes in your mouth make just as much of an impact on your health as anywhere else in the body.

6 Most Effective Ways to Balance Your pH

6 Most Effective Ways to Balance Your pH

Balancing your pH is a major factor in maintaining good health and healing from chronic illness. From the perspective of biological medicine, pH is the most significant factor in addressing the biological terrain. If overlooked and not properly addressed, it may be holding you back.

Why Should I Harness the Healing Power of the Outdoors?

Why Should I Harness the Healing Power of the Outdoors?

Spending time in nature can significantly boost our immune system. Plants and trees produce compounds called phytoncides, which are a product of their immune system used to fight off insects and rot. We can breathe these compounds in and charge up our own immunity, but the benefits don’t stop there…

3 Solid Truths to Reclaim the Right Approach to Lyme Disease

3 Solid Truths to Reclaim the Right Approach to Lyme Disease

Treatment for Lyme disease should not simply focus on killing a bug. Lyme disease is far beyond a single infection and is, in fact, polymicrobial. Studies confirm that there are many microbes involved and not just one to blame. Acidic environments allow these bacteria to shift, via pleomorphism, into more virulent microbes.

How to Overpower the Grip of Social Isolation with Community and Connection

How to Overpower the Grip of Social Isolation with Community and Connection

Quarantine, social distance, lock down, and shelter in place all make sense from a cold, logical sense. But all of these roads lead to isolation. Social isolation and distancing, though helpful in “flattening the curve” of viral spread, also flatten the human experience. We are at risk of losing one of the strongest influences we can wield for reclaiming our health.

How to Best Defend and Support Immunity in an Age of Pandemics

How to Best Defend and Support Immunity in an Age of Pandemics

In an age of viral pandemics, wisdom and understanding are our best allies in keeping a level head in the face of widespread hysteria. Ancient wisdom and modern research can be used to help human existence avoid and reduce the suffering from viral infections. Knowing how viruses operate, we can use targeted nutrients to support our bodies through each of their mechanisms.