Our BioRestorative MethodTM is an Innovative Approach to Restoring Health & Well-being
Our BioRestorative MethodTM is the culmination of decades of research and implementation of the principles of Functional Medicine, Biological Medicine, and Energy Medicine. This combination has created countless success stories for our patients when nothing else has worked for them.
The BioRestorative MethodTM is not a single technique, but instead a sophisticated system of modalities that, when combined, create a synergistic effect far greater than any single components possess individually.
Our innovative BioRestorative MethodTM encompasses comprehensive lab testing and healing modalities that address structural integrity, functional neurology, autonomic balance, gut microbiome health, bioterrain optimization, neuroplastic retraining, heart brain coherence, epigenetic nutrition, methylation processes, energetic blockages, digestion and elimination, mitochondrial function, and more. We also bring patients into the awareness of mind, body, and spiritual interconnectedness.
You Need a Solution as Unique as You Are
Everything about you is unique. Your fingerprints, your biochemistry, your epigenetic profile, your neural circuitry – there has never been anyone quite like you. Your chronic illness is as unique as you are, too. Therefore, you need to take a unique approach to restoring your health. Welcome to the BioRestorative MethodTM.
If you are looking for the “one thing” that will fix your set of symptoms, you’ve likely already experienced deep disappointment in your quest for better health.
Multiple factors can contribute to just one symptom. Ten different people, experiencing the same symptom, are likely to have ten different causes, and even ten different diagnoses. If you are like most of our patients, you likely have a dozen, or more, symptoms. What causes you to experience a symptom, may not be the cause of the same symptom in someone else.
This is why we don’t chase symptoms. Instead we trace down the imbalance in your body that is causing the symptom. Symptoms are merely signals telling us the body is out of balance. We interrupt the symptoms by bringing the body back into balance. This is accomplished by supporting the body’s own natural healing processes at the structural, chemical, mental, emotional, and bioenergetic levels.
The BioRestorative MethodTM is not a linear, step by step system. It is a personalized approach to health. Each element in our BioRestorative MethodTM is tailored to you as an individual and targeted to optimize your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
When your body is in balance, you feel healthy and vibrant. You are at ease. Your body is constantly making adjustments to maintain this state of balance called homeostasis.
However, we are constantly bombarded by stressors in our modern environment, creating cumulative imbalances in our body that cause dis-ease. These stressors come in many forms: viruses, bacteria, chemical toxins, nutrient deficiencies, emfs, molds, etc. Stressors also include negative thoughts, emotions, and relationships. This list only begins to scratch the surface concerning havoc-wreaking stressors that effect your body’s ability to maintain homeostasis. In fact, this list is growing at an alarming rate. We are exposed to more stressors on a daily basis than any other generation in history.
Our solution is to guide the body back to its balanced state. We provide support to the body, enabling it to adapt to stressors without getting stuck. Our doctors dynamically test each patient to create a customized therapeutic protocol consisting of herbal, homeopathic, and nutraceutical supplements to provide each body with the proper building blocks needed for repair and rejuvenation. This protocol of natural remedies is integrated with a full schedule of therapeutic devices designed to help the body eliminate, and detoxify, toxins that have created barriers to healing. Our advanced technologies use sound, light, infrared wavelengths, frequency, and vibration to deliver results at the cellular level.